Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2023
From ancient Israelite DNA to a moat around Jerusalem, these are the discoveries that made scholars of the biblical world say “wow” this year.
Wanted: More Christians to Dig in Israel
New tourism initiatives recruit vacationers to volunteer for archaeological excavations.
How Archaeology Affirmed the Historic Stature of a Biblical King
Once, the House of David seemed like a folk tale. Now, the rocks testify to its historic significance.
Cómo la arqueología afirmó la importancia histórica de David
Alguna vez, la «casa de David» parecía un cuento popular. Ahora, las rocas dan testimonio de su significado histórico.
Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2022
From papyrus in Montana to ivory in Jerusalem, these are the discoveries that made scholars of the biblical world say “wow” this year.
Sodom Destroyed by Meteor, Scientists Say. Biblical Archaeologists Not Convinced.
Naturalistic explanation for biblical miracle doesn’t resolve questions of chronology at Tall el-Hammam excavation in Jordan.
Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2021
Evidence of Herod’s green thumb, Roman crucifixion methods, and Philistine bananas add to our understanding of the world of the Bible.
Arqueólogos están encontrando firmas de reyes bíblicos, antiguos villanos y quizá un profeta
El cribado con agua nos acerca más que nunca al mundo de Jeremías, Isaías y Ezequías.
How Archaeologists Are Finding the Signatures of Bible Kings, Ancient Villains, and Maybe a Prophet
Wet sifting brings us closer than ever to the world of Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Hezekiah.
Los 10 mejores descubrimientos de la arqueología bíblica de 2021
Las evidencias del gusto de Herodes por la jardinería, los métodos de la crucifixión romana y unos plátanos de Filistea aumentan nuestra comprensión del mundo de la Biblia.