Died: Letha Dawson Scanzoni, Who Argued Feminism Is Biblical
The author of All We’re Meant to Be faced serious backlash over egalitarian reading of Scripture and her support for LGBTQ affirmation.
First Woman Steps into Leadership of Evangelical Theological Society
Wheaton professor Karen Jobes becomes president a decade after a study found “hostile and unwelcoming” atmosphere.
“Letting the Bible Do Its Work”
A history of the American Bible Society.
Why We Need the New Battle for the Bible
It’s time to turn to Scripture as our final authority.
The New Evangelicals
New? Yes. Evangelical? Hmm.
In the Beginning …
Billy Graham recounts the origins of Christianity Today.
How the Late Carl Henry Helped Invent Evangelicalism
No one was more pivotal to the emerging movement than Carl F.H. Henry
The Marks and Misses of a Magazine
‘After all, Christianity Today is only a magazine.’
Carl F.H. Henry, Theologian and First Editor of Christianity Today, Dies at 90
Thinker helped to shape many evangelical institutions and efforts, from higher education to ecumenism