Ultrasounds Help Bridge Evangelical and Catholic Theology
Pregnancy centers find common ground in the pro-life cause.
Olas de la reforma a favor de la vida
Católicos y evangélicos encuentran puntos en común en los centros para embarazos en crisis.
Until the Trumpet Blows
Getting personal with Kuyper under the Cross.
A Surgeon General’s Warnings
C. Everett Koop is not about to abandon his public platform.
The Embattled Career of Dr. Koop
Despite political pressures, the surgeon general was out to fight disease, not people.
Marriage: Marginalized in the Middle
The American retreat from marriage is moving into the heart of the social order: the middle class.
The Brokenness Behind Nicea
God works despite our weak human frailty.
Not Your Father’s L’Abri
The Swiss retreat now tends less to philosophical skeptics than to disaffected evangelicals.
Theologian Harold O. J. Brown Dies at 74
Scholar and writer was key in mobilizing pro-life movement among evangelicals.
Ugandan minister arrested, Anglican pastor flees Iraq, and other news.