Incarnational Mission in Africa
A Response to Joel Van Dyke and Kris Rocke’s ‘Asking the Beautiful Question’
Saving Witches in Kolwezi
Accused of witchcraft by parents and churches, children in the Democratic Republic of Congo are being rescued by Christian activists.
Congo Violence Creates New Humanitarian Crisis
Lynne Hybels issues passionate video plea.
Extraordinary Deputy
Building a Peace Beyond Understanding
Amid ongoing violence, southern Sudan’s Christians model a different kind of hope.
Hunger Isn’t History
The world produces more food than ever. So why do nearly a billion people still not have enough to eat?
From Hand Out to Hand Up
Three Arkansas entrepreneurs are helping build Rwanda’s largest bank for the poorest of the poor.
The Laura Bush Effect, HIV & Africa
Gospel Riches
Africa’s rapid embrace of prosperity Pentecostalism provokes concern–and hope.
Banking on Breast Milk
One ministry’s unusual approach to saving AIDS orphans in Africa.