We’ve Sung ‘Amazing Grace’ for 250 Years. We’ve Only Just Begun.
Why John Newton’s famous hymn is still so powerful after so long.
Woody Guthrie’s God and Country
New projects, timeless ideals, and the junction of heaven and earth.
Dylan at the Foot of the Cross
Longtime disciple? Converted soldier? Secular prophet? The questions linger as the troubadour turns 70.
Favorite Books of 2010
And Books & Culture’s Book of the Year
Favorite Books of 2009
Nancy Guthrie: Hearing Jesus Speak Into Your Sorrow
Well acquainted with suffering, Guthrie offers Jesus’ words of comfort in her most recent work.
The Changing Face of Apologetics
Lee Strobel doesn’t think the traditional methods work anymore.
Fact and Faith
Mark Mittelberg says this is no time to jettison logic.
What Was It You Wanted
Bob Dylan and Jesse James