Jesus Didn’t Tell Us to Shun Politics
Why his teachings touch on more than matters of theology.
From Billy Graham to Sarah Palin
A timely corrective for evangelicals.
‘The Gospel Makes the Everyday Possible’
70-year old Duke theologian Stanley Hauerwas explains his new memoir, addresses his critics, and explains why he says, ‘We’re all congregationalists now.’
Evangelical Leaders Reiterate Call for Two-State Solution for Israel and Palestine
Over 80 educators and ministry heads affirm efforts to negotiate lasting peace, and warn of consequences of failure.
Civic-Minded and Heavenly Good
How Christians should practice ‘right politics.’
Tanks at the Manger
Some would like to forget that Christmas—and religion in general—has political significance.
The State of the Faith-Based Initiative
One year after Bush outlined his plan to let religious social-service groups compete for government funds, little has actually made it through Congress.
BOOKS: Our Faithless Forefathers
Yes, the Constitution is a godless document. That isn’t necessarily bad news for Christians.