New & Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds.
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Responses to our April issue via letters, tweets, and Facebook posts.
How John Piper Knows the Bible Is True
His latest book makes Scripture’s case for itself.
The Matheny Manifesto
Baseball, life, and faith.
Quitting While Ahead
Why some United Methodist evangelicals suggest a split, even though their side is winning.
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Readers respond to the April issue via letters, tweets, and blogs
Picturing N.T. Wright
A willing subject, a talented photographer, and great light. When planning a photo session in a remote location you hope for those three things. In the case of CT’s April 2014 cover story, we received them all.
Surprised by N.T. Wright
The Bible scholar’s goal is to massively revise the way we talk about the Christian faith. By many accounts, he’s already succeeded.
Sorprendido por N.T. Wright
El objetivo del estudioso de la Biblia es revisar de forma masiva la forma en que hablamos de la fe cristiana. Por muchas razones, él ya ha tenido éxito.
Fatherhood and Loss
Where are the good stories?