An Orphan Took Over an Orphanage. Its Mission Changed.
Emanuel Nabieu was taken in by the Child Rescue Center 16 years ago. Now he is taking the organization in a different direction.
How to Greet the End of ‘Roe’
Faithful responses to the Supreme Court decision should involve new care practices.
Despite Pandemic Holdups, Christians Keep Shifting Foster Care Approach
Advocates address COVID-19 fallout and focus on family unity.
Cómo debemos responder los cristianos tras la anulación del caso ‘Roe’
Una respuesta fiel a la decisión de la Corte Suprema debe incluir nuevas prácticas de atención y cuidado.
Christian Singles Aren’t Waiting for Marriage to Become Parents
As more unmarried women and men foster and adopt, how can the church provide what some nontraditional families cannot?
Staying at Home and Fighting Boredom: A Survival Guide
Here’s how CT writers have found joy in gardening, knitting, organizing, and adult coloring books.
The Case for Sheltering in Place Without Screens
Our lives have gotten smaller. We can also make them simpler.
What Bethany’s International Adoption Halt Means for Orphans Around the World
There’s a larger culture change around how to best care for vulnerable children.
Why the US Thinks Restricting International Adoptions Will Save Them
Experts debate State Department strategy to let the little children come less.
The Fight for Social Justice Starts Within
Only a vibrant inner life can sustain the activist’s soul.