The Secret Sin of ‘Mommy Juice’
Alcoholism among women is rising. Can the church help?
We Follow the One Who Gave It All
A look inside our fall CT Pastors issue on money and generosity.
¿Por qué tenemos árboles de Navidad?
La historia detrás de los ornamentos perennes y los regalos navideños.
7 Church History Insights on Stewarding Money Well
Christian leaders have always grappled with tough issues surrounding finances and faith. Their insights still speak to us today.
Raise a Juice Box to the Temperance Movement
The teetotaling history behind America’s favorite communion wine substitute.
Reply All
Readers respond to the June issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
A Toast To Temperance
A needed corrective for cocktail-sipping Christians.
The Teetotalers I Never Knew
Abstaining Christian activists of previous generations were radically committed to the common good.
Los que se abstenían del alcohol que nunca conocí
Los cristianos activistas de generaciones anteriores estaban comprometidos radicalmente con el bienestar común.
Why I Gave Up Alcohol
In a rush to shed our separatist past, have young evangelicals forgotten to love their neighbors?