This Is as Close to Hell as I Ever Wanna Get
It’s hard to be skeptical when you’re so incredibly scared.
There Are No Gods, Only Teeth
Cosmic horror and monsters we create.
A Conservative Evangelical Defense of Disney
Its progressive turn is real. But its most beloved films are surprisingly compatible with many aspects of a Christian worldview.
Christianity Today’s 2024 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Hymns and Neurons: How Worship Rewires Our Brains and Bonds Us Together
Scientific data suggests that singing in community reshapes our physical selves and our corporate connections.
Take Me Out to the Faith Night
More than half of MLB teams offer an annual post-game program with worship and testimony from Christian players.
Our Worship Is Turning Praise into Secular Profit
With corporate consolidation in worship music, more entities are invested in the songs sung on Sunday mornings. How will their financial incentives shape the church?
Nuestros servicios de adoración están convirtiendo la alabanza en ganancia secular
Con la consolidación corporativa de la música de alabanza, cada vez más entidades invierten en las canciones que se cantan los domingos por la mañana. ¿Cómo influirán en la Iglesia esos intereses económicos?
Christianity Today’s 2023 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
La nostalgia es espiritualmente peligrosa
Por qué no debemos adorar al becerro de oro de los días «pre-COVID».