Died: James W. Sire, Editor Who Brought Us Francis Schaeffer and Os Guinness
‘The Universe Next Door’ author used worldview as a tool for evangelical apologetics.
The Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals
Landmark titles that changed the way we think, talk, witness, worship, and live.
After Worldview?
A lively conference offers a state-of-the-art assessment of the concept of “worldview,” with both advocates and dissenters represented.
After Worldview?
A lively conference offers a state-of-the-art assessment of the concept of worldview, with both advocates and dissenters represented.
My Cab Ride With Gloria
Meeting a legend, tearfully
I Read the News Today
Finding the most important story in headlines’ sum
Peace Be With You
Looking beyond naivete and cynicism about peacemaking at Wheaton’s Christianity and Violence conference.
To Know the Universe
To Know the Universe Well, sort of.
Books & Culture Corner
Guelzo’s Lincoln Book a Winner
Putting the Poor on the National Agenda
Ron Sider’s timely proposals