Republican Party Backs Away from Pro-Life Stance in New Platform
Evangelicals oppose Donald Trump’s shift to leave abortion policy up to the states.
White Evangelicals Twice as Likely to Want to Ban Abortion
Ahead of a possible decision to rescind Roe v. Wade, Pew Research finds most Americans and most believers hold convictions with exceptions.
Christians ‘Pray the News’ in a Year of Doomscrolling
Ministries offer tips for how to give heartbreaking headlines over to God.
Tres preguntas bioéticas sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19
Tras analizar la nueva tecnología ARNm, expertos cristianos se pronuncian a favor de las vacunas.
Cientos de muertos en explosión en el único hospital cristiano de Gaza
La fatal explosión tuvo lugar en una conocida instalación dirigida por anglicanos (y anteriormente por bautistas del sur) «en medio de uno de los lugares más conflictivos del mundo».
Christians Call for Prayer After Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19
Leaders urge Americans to “put aside partisan politics” and pray in the spirit of 1 Timothy 2.
Scores Killed in Blast at Gaza’s Only Christian Hospital
The fatal explosion hit a well-known facility run by Anglicans—and formerly by Southern Baptists—“in the middle of one of the world’s most troubled places.”
Died: Fred Carter, Little-Known Black Artist Behind Chick Tracts
“Shy” creator drew stories of sin and salvation seen by millions.
Degree by Digital Degree, Christian Colleges Go Online
Evangelical schools are growing, but there are questions about the costs.
3 Bioethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines
After considering new mRNA technology, Christian experts are in favor.