From N.T. Wright to J.D. Greear: How J.I. Packer Shaped My Faith and Work
20 evangelical thought leaders on the theologian who inspired their seminary studies, sparked their love of Scripture, and took them out for spicy food.
Died: Thomas Oden, Methodist Theologian Who Found Classical Christianity
His contribution to theology: nothing new. And that’s what made him famous.
Fall Off the Bible-in-a-Year Wagon?
That’s okay, experts say. Biblical comprehension is more important than completing prescribed reading plans.
Should Christians Read Through the Entire Bible in One Year?
Thinking about starting back at Genesis 1 this New Year’s? Experts weigh in on whether that’s the best plan.
My Life with Antidepressants
They helped, at least in the beginning.
The Future Lies in the Past
Why evangelicals are connecting with the early church as they move into the 21st century.
Holy to the Core
We’re tempted by moralism because we’ve forgotten what God wants at the center.