Evangelical Presbyterians Take on Debate Over Celibate Gay Pastors
As it brings in churches from mainline and conservative Presbyterian denominations, the EPC feels the tension in compromise.
SBC Study Raises Concerns about Lack of Worship Leaders
Decline in children’s music ministries bodes ill for future, scholar says.
Conservation Group Tries One More Thing to Preserve an African Woodland: Prayer
A Rocha Kenya cites WhatsApp intercession group as key to saving habitat for owls, shrews, and other endangered creatures.
David Foster Wallace Broke My Heart
Ten years after his suicide, I marvel at his genius but mourn the crushing burdens he carried.
The Luddites and the First Contest of Man Versus Machine
Rapid technological change in 18th- and 19th-century England led to violent resistance…by Methodists.
The Kingdom of Speech
Fly-catching with Tom Wolfe.
‘Praying for Our Candidates’ During a Hostile Election
We asked pastors how they’ve been praying for America’s office-seekers. Here’s what they had to say.
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Responses to our March issue via letters, tweets, and Facebook posts.
Baseball Review 2016, Part 2
Auguries and predictions (with an eye to 1983).
Battlefield Surgery
Rousas Rushdoony and Christian Reconstruction.