Obama Pleads for a More Prayerful Washington
At National Prayer Breakfast, President urges Democrats and Republicans to be less partisan, more prayer-minded. Top faith aide, Josh Dubois, steps down.
Top Eight Historically Incorrect Christmas Songs
How to be a loudmouth know-it-all at your carol sing.
Episcopal Bishops Balk at Anglican Leaders’ Demands
Plus: The truth about that Anglican-Catholic union rumor; baby bone scandal at Indian Christian hospital; New Life’s overseers speak on Haggard’s “dark side”; and other stories.
Everyday Transfiguration
A new book of poems by Paul Mariani, illustrated by Barry Moser.
Why Christians Object to Scientology
Craig Branch of the Apologetics Resource Center notes Clear differences.
From Clear to Christ
A former Scientologist shines light on his past beliefs
Scientology: Religion or Racket?
A look at the religious movement from the November 1969 pages of Christianity Today.
Building Scientopolis
How Scientology remade Clearwater, Florida—and what local Christians learned in the process.