Taliban Kidnaps South Korean Christians
Plus: Priest freed in Philippines, Israeli cable to drop Christian network Daystar, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Obama’s Grade School Not a Madrassa After All
Also: Super Bowl coaches brothers in Christ, churches oppose U.K. gay adoption law, the Burmese military aims to wipe out Christians, and other stories from online sources around the world.
W.V. School District Won’t Fight ACLU Over Jesus Painting After Theft
Plus: Southwestern Seminary rebukes chapel speaker over tongues admission, Georgetown’s evangelicals protest ministry ousting, the furor over Katherine Harris’s comments keeps going, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Does the Gallup Poll Have an Evangelical Bias?
Plus: More on religion in the election, cleanup after Hurricane Jeanne, Anglicans offer chocolate to boost church attendance, human trafficking, and more articles from online sources around the world.
Ministry Outside the Congregation
Could Rastas and Christians Really Unite?
“There’s more in common than you might think, but some factors keep adherents wary of one another”
A Postmodern Ezekiel
Michael Maudlin, Managing Editor