How Will Hollywood Handle the Spiritual Themes in ‘A Wrinkle in Time?’
Fans of Madeleine L’Engle’s novel are wondering whether the film will do justice to the “cosmic questions” the book raises.
A Christian College Brings Contemporary Art to Chapel
Hand-blown glass and color combine in Peter Brandes’s striking glass windows.
Letter from the Editor
The Morning After the Pentecostal Murders
Ten years ago, scandal put Sweden’s free churches on edge. Now their prospects are brighter than ever.
Faith and Writing in Norway
A profile of Alf Kjetil Walgermo.
Dying for Food
A dazzling family chronicle.
The Best of Her.meneutics 2012: Writers’ Choice
The posts that wowed our regular contributors.
Being Skinny Is Not a Christian Virtue
Finding the right motivations for caring for our bodies.
Bullied News Anchors and Our Fear of Fat
What Jennifer Livingston’s response to one ignorant reviewer gets right and wrong about obesity.
Festival of Faith & Writing 2010
A report from Calvin College.