Who’s in Charge Here?
American evangelicalism’s “crisis of authority.”
Why We Get Along
Religion and public life in the U.S.
The Bully Pulpit, Revisited
Clergy and politics in the United States: new trends.
God Really Is Winning
America has fewer non-religious, new survey asserts.
Religious Coalitions in American Politics
New alliances.
Cracks in the Monolith?
Evangelical Protestants and the 2000 election.
Election 2000: Partisanship in the Pews
Race, religion played decisive roles in the presidential vote
Graham’s Brain Shunt Fails, Evangelist Will Miss Inauguration
More on Bush, Ashcroft, religion in politics, and other stories from mainstream media sources around the world
Conservatives Voice Support for Bauer
Conservatives Voice Support for Bauer