Yes, Jesus Told Us to Pray in Secret. But He Also Prayed with His Friends.
Interceding in community is vital to the Christian life.
God Loves Protected Species. And the Poachers Who Kill Them.
A theocentric conservation effort looks out for both man and nature.
Should Christians Confront Mormon Missionaries When They Knock on the Front Door?
Three views.
Mormón no más
¿Cómo me escapé de la iglesia a la que había amado durante 30 años?
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Readers respond to the December issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
Ravi Zacharias Speaks, Fernando Ortega Sings … at the Mormon Tabernacle
(UPDATED) Famed apologist once made history as first evangelical leader in 100 years (since D. L. Moody) to address Latter-day Saints leaders. Now he’s the fifth big name in five months.
How I Escaped the Mormon Temple
After being in the LDS Church for 30 years, I began reading the New Testament. What was there shocked me.
Fishing for the Truth
Conversations with moviemakers.
My Top 5 Resources for Lent
Best books to read before Easter.
Tablet Is ‘Proof’ for Jeremiah Passage
Plus: A Ghanaian pastor’s shocking magic trick, Time on Democrats’ religious outreach, what to watch next in the Holsinger debate, and other stories from online sources around the world.