2023 Annual Podcast Guide
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2022 Annual Podcast Guide
Need something new in your feed? Check out these must-listens.
Readers Send Mixed Messages about the Israel-Hamas War
Responses to our March issue.
Lutero, el enigma
Cómo celebrar a una de las personas más célebres en la historia.
Original Podcasts from Our Partners
Need something new in your feed? Check out these must-listens.
The Shepherd Boy Who Wasn’t
We like imagining that a young, hopeless David killed Goliath. We need the fuller story.
Bethlehem Baptist Leaders Clash Over ‘Coddling’ and ‘Cancel Culture’
A debate over “untethered empathy” underscores how departing leaders, including John Piper’s successor, approached hot-button issues like race and abuse.
Líderes bautistas de la iglesia Bethlehem se enfrentan por «mimos» y «cultura de la cancelación»
Un debate sobre la «empatía desconectada de la realidad» pone de relieve la forma en que los líderes salientes, incluido el sucesor de John Piper, abordaron temas candentes como el abuso y el debate racial.
Relevant Details Missing as Cameron Strang Returns
The Christian magazine had halted publication without informing subscribers and has shared little about its founder’s sabbatical.
In Abuse Cases, Don’t Trust Your Gut
Malcolm Gladwell’s new book leans too much on private interpretations of truth.