5 Books on the History of Christian Parenting in America
Chosen by David P. Setran, author of “Christian Parenting: Wisdom and Perspectives from American History.”
The Remarkable Mr. Graham
The evangelist (and CT founder) is 98 today. An historian examines the way he shaped the church and the world.
My Top 5 Books on the Liberal Protestant Imagination
Rogue Scholar
The Groves of Academe
Whatever Happened to Christian History?
Evangelical historians have finally earned the respect of the secular academy. But some critics say they’ve sold out. Not really
Good News for Women?
Inspired by Promise Keepers, upbeat events for women are flourishing while avoiding divisive issues.
Finding Power in Submission
Two feminist scholars write about women you’ll recognize.
Weeping Warriors
The Secret History of Fundamentalism
“How a defeated movement went on to prosper while its alleged
conquerors withered.”