Which False Teachings Are Evangelical Christians Most Tempted to Believe In?
Hidden heresies come in many shapes and sizes.
¿Qué falsas enseñanzas se sienten mayormente tentados a creer los cristianos evangélicos?
Las herejías ocultas vienen en muchas formas y tamaños.
Reply All
Readers respond to the October issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
A Word Can Be Worth a Thousand Pictures
Why the pulpit—and not the screen—still belongs at the center of our churches.
What Sermon Illustrations Should Be Banned From Pulpits?
Not every story helps the preaching moment. Three views.
Letters to the Editor
Readers write and respond to the April issue.
The Mystery of Original Sin
We don’t know why God permitted the Fall, but we know all too well the evil and sin that still plague us.
An Unpopular Topic
Marguerite Shuster explores what we have become as sinners.
The Preaching Report Card
If Christ Be Not Risen…
Scholars debate the meaning of the Resurrection.