More Christians Are Watching Porn, But Fewer Think It’s a Problem
Ministries expand to reach the 54 percent of churchgoers who say they view online pornography.
CT Daily Briefing – 09-27-2024 – Members
CT Daily Briefing – 09-27-2024 – Nonmembers
Kids’ Access to Porn Is a Problem. Are State Laws the Solution?
As some Christian advocates fight for age verification, others say it’s parents’ responsibility to monitor.
Ghosted Again? Pastors Respond to Disappearing Congregants
Church leaders are seeking fresh ways to prevent “backdoor exits” and adapt to shifting membership.
Jesus Celebrated Hanukkah, So Why Don’t We?
Learning more about Jewish customs can enrich our faith and strengthen the church.
Why Should Pastors Get All the Good Theology Textbooks?
Churches across the country are reclaiming theological education to make it available to everyone.
Pro-Life Ob-Gyns: Ectopic Pregnancy, Miscarriage Care Will Continue After Roe
Even if the pills and procedures seem similar to elective abortion, doctors know the difference between treatment when a pregnancy ends and treatment to end a pregnancy.
$100M Ad Campaign Aims to Make Jesus the ‘Biggest Brand in Your City’
“He Gets Us,” an effort to attract skeptics and cultural Christians, launches nationally this month. But Christians still have questions about how the church markets faith.
Birth Behind Bars: Christians Fight ‘Cruel,’ Outdated Prison Policies
Ministry efforts aim to induce change and offer care for the growing number of new moms separated from their babies due to incarceration.