As a New Age Enthusiast, I Fancied Myself a Free Spirit and a Good Person
Then a strange dream, an old friend, and a disturbing psalm woke me up to reality.
Let’s Save the University from Secular Privilege
The academy has lost its pluralism. Here’s how the church can help find it.
New & Noteworthy Books
‘I Thirst’
What was going on with Mother Teresa?
Mary Poplin Calls Claremont Her Calcutta
“After seeking God through telepathic spoon bending exercises, this professor found God, and with the help of Mother Teresa, her calling”
Craig Barnes Is Getting Restless
The author of Sacred Thirst says modern life is nomadic, and we are all searching for a home we can’t find on earth.
Exegeting U2
Get Up Off Your Knees preaches U2 from Boy to All that You Can’t Leave Behind.
Heidi Neumark Transfigures the Bronx for some <em>Breathing Space</em>
After spending 20 years as pastor of a church in the Bronx, Heidi Neumark realized that sometimes people just need some room to breathe.
Transforming Culture into God’s Image
Gregory Wolfe, author of Intruding Upon the Timeless, has opted out of the culture wars in order to build a Christian culture for others to imitate.
Steve Wilkens Loves Bad Christians and Pagans
The author of Good Ideas from Questionable Christians and Outright Pagans believes Christians can learn a lot from skeptics and non-Christians.