Congrats, Billy: Stats Show Your Evangelical Movement Is Still Going Strong
Born-again believers have kept the faith over four decades, while most religious switching has been between mainline Protestants and the “nones.”
A movie about a fateful climb that brings up a question: is “Christian Tragedy” an oxymoron?
Dangers of Consumer Church
Can self-centeredness be leveraged for the gospel?
Church Hunting? There’s an App for That
How Sean Coughlin and the FaithStreet team are getting Americans into the pews.
Eat with Joy
A welcome voice of sanity.
How Wealthy Social Conservatives Use Super PACs to Elevate Presidential Candidates
Records show how money has impacted the campaigns.
Are Muslims the Enemy?
Some activists argue that the proposed mosque in New York City should move because Muslims remind us of terrorists. Plus, many defend the President’s Christian faith.
Her.meneutics’ Summer Reading List
What our regular bloggers are taking to the pool.
Many Possible Roads to Peace
Activists discuss the best ways to achieve peace and freedom, including a radical call to deport all Muslims.
Site Explores Michael Jackson’s Faith
Spiritual quotes compiled from various sources. Plus: Inspirational Country Awards winners; spreading a Christian message to Muslims; breast cancer benefit; and more.