Roe v. Wade: CT’s Response Over the Decades
Highlights from our archives.
The story of the celebrated and blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter boasts a star-studded cast but a half-baked script.
Una ética antigua, muy antigua
¿Qué pasó con la repugnancia que los cristianos antes sentíamos hacía el derramamiento de sangre?
Why Don’t We Find Bloodshed Repugnant Anymore?
Yes, the early church was pro-life. But it wasn’t just the death of the unborn that it opposed.
Against the Manichaeans
Philip Jenkins’ revisionist take on post-1960s America.
Iraqi Christians Enter Through Mexico, Seek Asylum
Plus: Government workplace evangelism, church discipline lawsuit to Texas Supreme Court, major problems for Presbyterian and Baptist denominations, and other stories from online sources around the world.
U.S. Protestant Majority Gone By End of Year, Says Survey
Plus: Christians in Iraq, Terri Schiavo, Moore’s monument, home churches, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Buzz Says Anglican Primates Won’t Expel Episcopal Church USA
“John Paul II celebrates 25 years as Pope, and many other stories from online sources around the world”
More Moore: Ten Commandments Standoff Continues
“Plus: Jeb Bush attacks murderer’s Jesus claim, Baylor faculty challenges president, call for Christian state in Fiji, and other stories from online sources around the world”
The Just-Chaplain Theory
The church need not divorce the military to remain a godly counterculture.