Is Jemar Tisby’s Bestselling Book About Racism a Fluke?
Publishers tried for years to get evangelical readers to care. Then one succeeded.
Jemar Tisby: Three Words Should Guide Our Pursuit of Racial Justice
In his latest book, the “Color of Compromise” author turns from the lessons of history to the proper Christian response.
The Splintering of the Evangelical Soul
Why we’re coming apart, and how we might come together again.
Why the Children of Immigrants Are Returning to Their Religious Roots
Many second- and third-generation Americans leave the ethnic congregations of their parents for white-led churches, only to come back.
Por qué los hijos de los inmigrantes están volviendo a sus raíces religiosas
Muchos estadounidenses de segunda y tercera generación que dejaron las congregaciones étnicas de sus padres y comenzaron a asistir a iglesias lideradas por gente blanca, hoy están regresando a sus raíces.
Be Still and Know
To participate in God’s love and healing amid racism, you must slow down and prayerfully ask yourself questions.
La fragmentación del alma evangélica
Por qué nos estamos dividiendo, y cómo podríamos unirnos de nuevo.
Who Counts? How to Rightly Divide American Christianity
The academy’s debate over black church differences is more than a numbers game.
Guess Who’s Coming to Church: Multiracial Congregations Triple Among Protestants
Sociologists evaluate the progress and future of the evangelical push for church diversity.
The Unique Church Alliance That’s Bringing Love to At-Risk Kids
How two Houston pastors united their congregations to better serve their city.