Prisons and the Body of Christ
Justice and grace.
Megachurches on the Defensive
Plus: The real “Lucy,” Australia’s churches respond to rioting, keeping Benny Hinn out of Fiji, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Christians and Muslims Riot in Egypt
Plus: Bob Reccord resigns as Baptist mission head, Gospel of Judas backlash, debating “evangelical,” and links to 415 news and opinion articles from online sources around the world.
The Gospel According to America
Remembering the Through-a-Glass-Darkly clause
The Faith of Shakespeare
Awe and reconciliation in the work of WS.
Preparing Yourself to Teach
Supreme Court Clouds Church-State Rules
Plus: Didja hear Mel Gibson made a movie about Jesus? And many, many other stories from online sources around the world.
Return of the Raves
“Film critics continue to pile praise on The Return of the King, while readers have some gripes. Critics also examine Mona Lisa Smile, House of Sand and Fog, Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Statement. Plus: More reviews of In America, The Last Samurai, Big”
Content & Context
The Books & Culture Weblog
“Taliban Trial Continues, But Christian Aid in Afghanistan Won’t”
“The gospel of Elvis, threatening to bring down the Salvation Army, and other stories from media around the world.”