Sorry for Getting Excited to Shop at Target
How the fear of being ‘basic’ relates to ordinary Christian faithfulness.
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Readers respond to the December issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
Let There Be Arcade Fire
The famous indie rock band reinvents itself in search of another ‘passionate age.’
Trauma Counseling for Christian Journalists
Why we put the new New Life story on the cover.
New Life After the Fall of Ted Haggard
How the megachurch healed—by remembering what it means to be the local church.
Motion Picture Prayer
An overlooked summer thriller finds a new cinematic use for prayer.
Blind-Sided at the Box Office
Protestants and movies.
Believers on the Big Screen
A survey and critique.
Dying Christianities
Philip Jenkins is writing about a Christian history we don’t know–and would probably rather avoid.
Misery Longs for Company
Ted Haggard bemoans his “exile” in a new HBO documentary.