What Believers Can and Can’t Affirm in Those Who Affirm Same-Sex Marriage
Rebecca McLaughlin takes care to filter their legitimate claims from their flawed assumptions.
Tell Me Your Beliefs on Sex Without Telling Me Your Beliefs on Sex
Over time, our embodied lives reliably reveal the stories and myths that shape us.
The Wondrous Cross: Our Playlist
Music to accompany CT’s 2022 Lent & Easter special issue.
Nunca llegué a ser heterosexual. Tal vez ese nunca fue el objetivo de Dios
Por qué abracé la ética sexual de la Biblia antes de entenderla.
Great Joy for All People
A devotional reading for Christmas Day.
Watch and Pray
An Advent reading for November 29.
Right or Left?
An Advent reading for November 30.
Gran alegría para todo el pueblo
Una lectura de Adviento para la Navidad.
Why We Sing Such a Bloody Song
The power of “There Is a Fountain” is its insistence that Jesus’ death was real, was messy, and made all the difference.
Estén alerta y oren
Una lectura de Adviento para el 29 de noviembre.