Inside the Church Building of 2017
What’s hot, what’s next, and what needs to die.
The Holocaust Happening Right Under Our Noses
In some countries, hearing “It’s a girl” is no cause for celebration—it’s a death sentence. A new film captures global gendercide.
After Penn State: How Are You Protecting the Children in Your Ministry?
Now is the time to review and renew your policies and programs to keep kids safe.
Success, Honor, and the Legacy of Joe Paterno
Why the world should never forget the football coach after the sex abuse scandal at Penn State.
Half the Sky Is Falling
‘Unnatural Selection’ traces the world’s missing girls back to powerful Western institutions.
Readers Write
Your responses to the September 2010 issue of Christianity Today.
Sex Offenders: Coming to a Church Near You
How churches, ready or not, are ministering to society’s most despised
Sex Offenders in the Pew
How churches are ministering to society’s most despised.