The Unearthed Conscience of Black Fundamentalism
A hard racial line divided conservative white and Black Protestants 100 years ago. It didn’t have to be that way.
‘Why Christianity Today’ Revisited
The first editorial for this magazine—reprinted here—still reflects our ‘deepfelt desire.’
Demythologizing Adam: Case Unproven
Death of God by Poison
Why It Matters That the Exodus Really Happened
No less than Western law, the civil rights movement, and Christianity itself rest on the historicity of the biblical event.
Who’s in Charge Here?
American evangelicalism’s “crisis of authority.”
Friday Five Interview: Owen Strachan
Does complementarianism need an update? We ask one of it’s prominent young leaders.
Christianity and Scientific Concerns
Six evangelical scholars–including C. Everett Koop–in a panel discussion on technology and bioethics.
Incredible Journeys: What to Make of Visits to Heaven
Does it matter that people who have had near-heaven experiences are confused theologically, so long as good news is preached?
Taking the Long View
Parenting, our newest columnist, and the legacy of Carl Henry.