Understanding Obama’s Pastors
Our coverage of T.D. Jakes, Kirbyjon Caldwell, Jim Wallis, and Joel Hunter.
The Top 50 Books That Have Shaped Evangelicals
Landmark titles that changed the way we think, talk, witness, worship, and live.
Apathetic Agnostic
David Horowitz on life without God.
Thou Shalt Not Be Negative
Overly positive thinking and prosperity teaching undermine Joel Osteen’s bestseller.
Therapeutically Incorrect
Atheist psychiatrist argues that gays can change.
N.T. Wright: Anglican Report Is ‘Fireproofing the House’
Top theologian on Lambeth Commission talks about what happened behind the scenes, whether the report should have been tougher, and why it’s critical of some conservative bishops.
John Eldredge thinks too many Christians are weak, and churches are often insipid-and he’s not going to take it anymore
<em>Christianity Today</em>, Sister Magazines Win 32 EPA Awards
Profile of Tony Campolo earns first in Personality Article from the Evangelical Press Association.
Left Behind: Raptured Believers and Enraptured Readers
Joan of Arcadia
A high school girl further increases God’s prime-time exposure.