Thinking Slowly About God
Wilson’s Bookmarks
Brief Reviews of ‘How Much Land Does a Man Need,’ ‘The Alpine Tales,’ and ‘Life, The Universe, And Everything.’
Bob Wennberg 1935-2010
No Thing Is Evil
Suffering, evil, and God.
The Gospel in Political Captivity, Revisited
Can we talk?
No Chance
Michael Behe is back.
Tablet Is ‘Proof’ for Jeremiah Passage
Plus: A Ghanaian pastor’s shocking magic trick, Time on Democrats’ religious outreach, what to watch next in the Holsinger debate, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Against Tapioca Pudding
N. T. Wright’s antidote for vague spirituality.
Getting From <em>Is</em> to <em>Ought</em>
Why there is no dichotomy between facts and values.
Reality Is for Real
Why we can’t give up on objectivity, even though it is decidedly uncool.