Tim Keller puso en práctica la gracia que predicó
En un mundo cada vez más dividido, el legado del pastor y teólogo fue recorrer el camino más elevado: el menos transitado.
Tim Keller Practiced the Grace He Preached
In an increasingly divisive world, the pastor theologian’s legacy was walking the higher road—the one less traveled.
How Charles Taylor Helps Us Understand Our Secular Age
Why the work of Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor is influencing so many Christian thinkers.
What I Would Have Done Differently
Billy Graham’s regrets, in his own words.
Presidential Timber
Who measures up?
Here We Stand: An Evangelical Declaration on Marriage
More than 100 leaders respond to Supreme Court legalizing same-sex marriage.
The Future of the Catholic Literary Imagination
A conference-goer’s report.
Small-Town Dreams
Movers and shakers whose lives began in the Midwest.
A Wake-up Call for Blasé Believers
Christians, says Richard Stearns, have everything they need to finish Jesus’ mission—except the willpower.
Readers Write
What you thought of the February 2011 issue of Christianity Today.