Remembering Robert E. Cooley, Former President of Gordon-Conwell
He brought archaeological expertise to Israel, Egypt, and North America.
The Day God Died
The most terrible and wonderful moment in history.
Wycliffe No Longer Faces Boycott by 12,700 Churches
(UPDATED) Controversy over ‘Son of God’ Bible translations for Muslims partially resolves, as new changes mollify Wycliffe’s biggest critic.
Are All Gay Judges Activists?
Conservatives remain pessimistic about Justice Stevens’ retirement and other battles for the judiciary. Plus, Bryan Fischer’s call to deport Muslims continues.
Healing ORU
$70 million and Mart Green’s business acumen are repairing a scandal-scarred school.
From the CTI Board
Old Friends, New Ventures
The 150% Person
The marginal person who learns to adjust can help heal the conflicts between races and cultures.