It’s a Theological World After All
We need trained theologians to help us think through ideological and ethical questions in light of God’s Word and world.
Tres ideas populares pero equivocadas sobre el Adviento
Líderes cristianos de Brasil, Colombia, Francia y Filipinas presentan sus comentarios sobre las creencias erróneas acerca de esta temporada.
3 Popular Misconceptions About Advent
Christian leaders from Brazil, Colombia, France, and the Philippines weigh in on mistaken beliefs about the season.
Reply All
Responses to our April issue via letters, tweets, and Facebook posts.
New & Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds
‘Grace Alone’: Luther Nails It
A Protestant responds to Catholic critiques of ‘Grace Alone.’
‘Grace Alone’ 500 Years Later
A Catholic perspective.
Water Works: Why Baptism Is Essential
Some churches say Baptism is optional, but the New Testament teaches it is integral to the life of faith.
Why I Raise My Kids with God
God is real, and I want my kids to know it.
Letters to the Editor
Readers write.