The Holy Sound Stuck Inside Your Head
We love a catchy song. God does too.
Your Mind Is on God’s Mind
However ugly our thoughts, God is not scared of them.
Music Outside the Music Industry with JJ and Dave Heller
Singer-songwriter JJ Heller and her producer husband Dave enjoy the road less traveled.
Untying Knots with Colleen Ramser
The church that hurts can become the church that heals.
Dying to Our Selfies
We’ll never see the glory of God if we look only to our own brand.
Be Still and Come Out of Your Shell
To heal divides, God wants to bring us out from hiding.
Running on Empty with David Ramirez
Limitations on the creative process often produce abundant beauty.
Dios no tenía que hacer nada por nosotros
Es fácil olvidar que incluso los dones más pequeños revelan una increíble abundancia divina.
Winning the Dave Barnes Lottery
Creative work requires longevity and humility.
The Year of Jubilee with Cindy Morgan
Through joy and sorrow, the tapestry of our lives is woven to create something beautiful.