How to Improve Your Odds for a Successful Marriage
If you’re dating seriously, don’t slide into a life-long commitment. Decide on it.
When the Pews Are Empty, Data Can Help
Meaningful insights into your congregants and community can empower your ministry.
Movement Wants to Make Southern Baptists Conservative Again
A new network of pastors says it’s trying to unite the SBC. But its critics fear the opposite.
How Two California Megachurches Kept Worshiping
John MacArthur takes a stand against regulations, while Greg Laurie finds creative ways to comply.
Why ‘Follow Your Passions’ Is Bad Advice for Graduates
Four countercultural insights for outgoing students.
The ‘First-Century Mark’ Saga from Inside the Room
My reflections after eight years of silence.
The Three Myths of Cohabitation
Sociologist Bradford Wilcox reports the surprising results of his new international study on cohabitation and its impact on kids.
Pastoring in the Age of Celebrity
How famous Bible teachers impact local Bible study.
Trump Stacks Prayer Service Lineup with Evangelicals
Southern Baptists, Graham granddaughter to pray at Saturday’s National Cathedral event.
“Alibis for Empire”
Heroic failure often masked ruthlessness.