Los teólogos occidentales necesitan a los no occidentales, y viceversa
Las particularidades de cada cultura pueden ayudar a comprender y proclamar mejor el Evangelio.
Western Theologians Need Non-Western Theologians—and Vice Versa
The particularities of people groups can aid the work of understanding and proclaiming the gospel.
Celebramos a estos atletas olímpicos cristianos de diferentes partes del mundo
Conozca a los hombres y mujeres que priorizan su fe mientras compiten en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020.
Cheer on These Christian Olympians from Around the World
Meet the women and men who make their faith a priority as they compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Love That Will Not Let Go
Mary Magdalene both clung to the risen Christ and went out to bear witness.
We’re So Unashamed We Wrote a Book on It. Three of Them, Actually
Christians still need a better understanding of the complexity of shame.
Andy Crouch: The Return of Shame
From online bullying to Twitter takedowns, shame is becoming a dominant force in the West. Thankfully, the Bible is full of language about shame. It’s just that most Westerners don’t see it.
How Theologians Have Failed Asian Christians—and How They Can Do Better
Rather than forcing “elite” agendas upon grassroots believers, says Simon Chan, we need to take their concerns seriously.
Did Jesus Make Mistakes?
Mark Driscoll says yes, though Jesus never sinned. Experts weigh in.
You Need a More Ordinary Jesus
We are united with a Christ who seems not to have done much of note for most of his life.