When “The Only Way” is the Wrong Play
The exclusivity of Jesus is an essential doctrine, but sharing your faith effectively often requires starting the conversation elsewhere.
Good Reading, Good Looking
Your good taste in reading material has been confirmed. Award-winning content from the past year.
Blessings of a Post-Christian Culture
In the country’s “least-Christian city,” churches have partnered with government to revolutionize schools, help the homeless, and fight sex trafficking. How did it happen?
Our Best Articles of the Year
What you might have missed in 2014.
5 Damaging Messages about God’s Presence
We need to be more honest about our spiritual experiences.
Ese evangelio misterioso
Estudiar el libro de los Hechos cambió mi perspectiva en cuanto a compartir las buenas nuevas.
Bounded Place, Rooted People
My longing for college life is more than nostalgia.
Learning from Weirdos
7 missional gifts from ancient Christian mystics
Biodynamics of the Kingdom
Diversity strengthens the vine and the branches.
Staged Authenticity
You’ll lose your hearers if “honest” communication becomes cliché.