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Food for Thought - Jul 14 2008

Even the most dedicated people often shy from being called into "leadership." So instead, when one of our current leaders (we like to call them "servants" or "coaches") sees someone passionate about a ministry, he or she approaches that person with an invitation:

"Beverly, I've watched you get passionate about God's purposes. And I've seen you display gifts of caring and evangelism. I'd like to invite you to serve with me on this missions project."

First, we affirm their gifts and give specific reasons why we think they might be right for a particular ministry. Then we offer them opportunities to accompany current leaders as apprentices.

Eventually, if a leadership candidate shows continued passion and faithfulness, we invite him or her to join the team that oversees that ministry. At every step, our candidates have someone who has gone before them and who serves as a support system. We never ask new leaders to step out on their own.

Excerpted from Raising Up New Leaders, a new downloadable resource from Gifted for Leadership.

July14, 2008 at 1:27 PM

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