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Why I’m Giving Up Prayer for Lent

I've been thinking a lot about Lent this year and wondering how best to walk through the next seven weeks. I know people who are giving up Twitter, chocolate, and a long list of self-indulgent or addictive activities and foods.

Yet as a leader, I recognize that one of the areas that I need to always continue to grow in is my dependence on God throughout ever day. In the hustle and bustle of activity and long list of demands, I need to be relying on God more intentionally.

As I've reflected, I've decided to give up prayer for Lent. Okay, maybe not all prayer, but lengthy prayers in my personal time with God. I recently heard a sermon by our friend, Jay, which highlighted the importance of praying simple but potent prayers. As I've been mulling over this concept, I realize how mindless I've become in my own prayer life. Yes, I feel free to express every desire, whim, ache and need to God–which is a good thing!–except that at times my prayers sound like a gushing four-year-old who talks in an eternal run on sentence. I realize that over time I've been increasingly unspecific and unattentive in my prayer life.

That's why I'm giving up prayer for Lent. Or at least long prayers. For the next 40 days, I'm committed to only offering God three word prayers.

Help me Lord. Heal oh Jesus. Give grace abundant. Grant strength now. Thank you, God.

I'm hopeful the discipline will help me be more thoughtful in my prayer, more strategic in the things I ask God, more focused on Jesus, more ready to listen, more prepared to unleash heartfelt worship and gratitude on Easter morning.

As a leader, how are you preparing your own heart during this season of Lent?

March15, 2011 at 3:27 PM

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