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When the Passion Fades

Is this a sign that God wants us to quit?

I'm in the midst of leading a project I don't feel particularly passionate about. It didn't start out this way. I launched into it with great enthusiasm. I was confident I was following God's will by pursuing the project, but as time has passed and I've grown less enamored with it, I'm wondering whether I misread the signs.

Truth be told, the project isn't meeting my expectations. I feel defeated that it's not as successful as it ought to be. In essence, my interest is waning because it doesn't feel worth my time. My ebbing interest makes me wonder: Is passion always an indicator of God's will? I'm pretty sure that God has called people to things they weren't necessarily passionate about. I'm sure they felt defeated and unsuccessful too. (Insert Moses, David, or nearly any biblical character you can think of as a prime example.)

Why do we do this then? Why do we equate passion—or a lack of it—with God's will or plan for our lives? Why do we so easily throw in the towel when we lose passion? Why are we quick to walk away from a job or project when we find ourselves a little defeated?

I see this a lot in ministry work (I'm guilty of it myself)——wondering if I'm doing the right thing on those days when everything seems to be going wrong. Recently I had to make a very unpopular decision that resulted in a lot of questions, accusations and long conversations. It would have been far easier to have not made the decision, but I knew that it was what God was leading me to do. Navigating this issue wasn't easy, and I wasn't even confident that it would bring about the change I hoped for. But I sensed that it was the right thing.

God's will doesn't mean endless passion or constant success. God's will is that we live out his plan for our life. And his plan isn't always warm and fuzzy or fun. Sometimes living out God's will is hard work. Sometimes living out God's will means pushing through when you don't have an ounce of passion, but others are counting on you.

Are you struggling to embrace what he's given you to do? When I feel this way, I'm often reminded of my favorite scripture from Galatians 6:4:"Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given and then sink yourself into that" (The Message).

On the good days and on the bad days remember what he's gifted and called you to, and sink yourself into it!

Jenni Catron is a contributing editor for GiftedforLeadership.com. She serves as executive pastor of Cross Point churches in the Nashville area.

January03, 2012 at 3:56 PM

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