When our regular readers think back to memorable posts from 2011, they'll most likely think of the most controversial ones, many of which appeared on yesterday's roundup. But what of the 250-some other posts that appeared on Her.meneutics over the past year? To remember those and introduce them to readers who missed them, we asked 10 of our regular bloggers to select a favorite post written by a fellow blogger. Here's what they chose:

Michelle Van Loon's pick:
Why It's Your Job to Break the Women's Ministry Stereotype
, by Sharon Hodde Miller (October 11, 2011)
Michelle: Sharon's piece about shattering tired women's ministry stereotypes challenged me to do more than just whine about the way things are, though I'm exceedingly good at doing that. I am putting together an applied theology morning workshop for the women of my church inspired in part by Sharon's words.

Sharon Hodde Miller's pick:
Confessions of a Breadwinner Wife
, by Karen Swallow Prior (May 3, 2011)
Sharon: In conversations of this sort, it's easy to dismiss men to the realm of silent party as women air their grievances. That is not what Karen did with this piece. Instead, it was really an ode to her husband, and I came away from the piece with great respect for her husband and the marriage between them.

Karen Swallow Prior's pick:
Guarding Your Marriage without Dissing Women
, by Gina Dalfonzo (May 31, 2011)
Karen: As a married Christian professional woman, I loved the wisdom (and humor) in this post about being wise-but-not-ridiculous in acknowledging our human fallibility without automatically sexualizing or demonizing every opposite-sex friend or colleague.

Gina Dalfonzo's pick:
Welcoming Doubt to Christian Education
, by Karen Swallow Prior (September 16, 2011)
Gina: Karen brings much needed honesty to the perpetual education debate among Christians, and shows the important difference between true education, which broadens minds, and indoctrination, which closes them.

Amy Julia Becker's pick:
The Praying Pedestrian
, by Anna Broadway (April 7, 2011)
Amy Julia: Months later, I still find myself grateful for Anna's description of how prayer has changed her perception of her neighborhood. This piece was not only informative but also transformative as I seek to integrate spiritual disciplines like prayer into everyday life.

Rachel Marie Stone's pick:
Being Loved through Breast Cancer
, by Sarah Thebarge, guest blogger (July 27, 2011)
Rachel: Sarah's post stands out to me because of the compelling story of two women with breast cancer—and how when it comes down to it, we all need the same things: the love and connection with other human beings that bears witness to the love and compassion of God. My favorite quote: "Part of the beauty of loving God is that through simple acts of compassion, we get to bear witness to El Roi, the God who loves and sees his struggling children."

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Caryn Rivadeneira's pick:
The Charlie Sheen Has Worn Off
, by Jennifer Grant (March 11, 2011)
As someone who struggles to avoid gossip and yet enjoys a good People magazine every now and again, I found this piece totally convicting. Grant's line, "Our culture wipes its mouth with the back of its hand and glances absentmindedly around the room," is an image that pops up every time I'm prone to wander into gossip.

Jennifer Grant's pick:
Etiquette Isn't for Dummies: How Manners and Ministry Relate
, by Caryn Rivadeneira (December 19, 2011)
Jennifer: I loved Caryn's post because it's timely in our too-often impolite society, witty, and because it does what I think Her.meneutics posts do at their best: examine a cultural artifact or practice and reveal the underlying spiritual significance that we might otherwise fail to notice. (Also, the accompanying cat picture is just plain funny.)

Alicia Cohn's pick:
Why Romance Novels Aren't Emotional Porn
, by Caryn Rivadeneira (June 7, 2011)
Caryn set herself to take an honest look at the "Christian romance" genre, and came away with a refreshing perspective. As an avid fiction reader, I was blessed by Caryn's gracious take on the story-telling addiction and its roots in "everything lovely."

Marlena Graves's pick:
Searching for Abba on Father's Day
, by Margot Starbuck (June 17, 2011)
Marlena: Margot expresses so painfully and beautifully several gospel implications: God is for us, he brings order from disorder and healing from deeply embedded pain. The gospel is a gospel of life!

Katelyn Beaty's pick:
Chaz Bono Brings Transgender Issues to TV
, by Elissa Cooper (September 19, 2011)
Katelyn: Elissa's post accomplished what I hope every Her.meneutics article does: brings the gospel to bear on all aspects of contemporary life, even those as complex and puzzling as gender-identity disorders. Elissa beautifully shared parts of her personal story, showing how the church's first and last word to the transgendered among us is grace, as this is the first and last word our Lord has spoken to us, his children.
