
Theology Is Not a Waste
Far from being impractical, careful theological study is crucial to ordinary Christian life.
Jesus and My OCD
Christ’s death is the beginning of my relief from mental illness.
‘Evangelical Imagination’ Has Formed Us. But Can We Define It?
Metaphors, images, and stories orient us. But we must understand them first.
Reading for the Love of the World
Christians are comfortable with the classics. But reading contemporary literature can be a search for truth too.
Christian Fiction (Finally) Has Issues
Evangelical novelists have embraced human grit and struggle. Getting readers to notice is its own struggle.
The Book I’d Love to Write
Eight writers daydream about passion projects they will (realistically) never pursue.
The 2016 Election Sent Me Searching for Answers
Politics had become a false idol, and I needed a deeper source of purpose and meaning.
The Echoes of Genesis in Darwin
Evolutionary science has surprising roots in a Hebrew view of reality.
American Christianity Is a Flourishing Forest
Just as biodiversity produces new trees, cultural diversity produces new expressions of an ancient faith.
New & Noteworthy 2024
Seven books we’re looking forward to in the new year.
Sharia Law Makes a Solid Case for Christ
In new book, Jordanian pastor and academic says that if Muslims treat evidence for the Bible and Quran consistently, the gospel eyewitnesses authenticate Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Hinduism
Recommendations for gaining a more nuanced perspective of the faith of 1.2 billion.
Appreciating the Art of Divine Surprise
Scripture is full of stories inspiring awe. Are we allowing ourselves to be astonished?
Friends Are Your Family of Faith—and Your Spiritual Comrades-in-Arms
Rebecca McLaughlin takes the topic of friendship beyond warm and fuzzy feelings.
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Sikhism
Must-reads for those eager to learn the origins, development, and tensions within a faith common to many Punjabis.
‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Evokes the Sacred Worth of Underdogs
Charles Schulz’s improbable holiday special echoed his own acquaintance with lowliness.
The Best Books for Understanding Islam and Connecting with Muslim Neighbors
Five regional scholars offer their recommendations for Christians.
One Year, Seven Transformations, and the Emergence of a ‘WEIRDER’ World
American independence was one of many revolutions sparked in 1776. How can we live faithfully in the new order they created?
My Top 5 Books for Christians on Daoism
Where to start when navigating the diffuse and complex tradition of thought and religious practice dating back to the very beginnings of Chinese civilization.
A Conservative Evangelical Defense of Disney
Its progressive turn is real. But its most beloved films are surprisingly compatible with many aspects of a Christian worldview.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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