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Pecadinho ou pecadão? Alguns pecados precisam de soluções específicas
Todo pecado requer a expiação de Cristo. Mas a Bíblia mostra Deus punindo — e reparando — diferentes pecados de maneira diferente.
Online Witch Doctors Lure South African Christians
Churches are combating syncretism among millennials and Gen Z amid a rise of social media healers who call on ancestral spirits.
Particular Wrongs Need Particular Remedies
Every sin requires Christ’s atonement. But the Bible shows God punishing—and repairing—different sins differently.
Sua mente está segura na mente de Deus
Por mais horríveis que sejam nossos pensamentos, Deus não se assusta com eles.
Where Ya From?Episode 65|1 hr 4min
‘Beauty and Chaos’ with Lina AbuJamra
Experiencing the goodness of God in the midst of pain and suffering.
Indian State Moves to Criminalize Praying for the Sick
A proposed ban on “magical healing” is the latest government initiative targeting Christian practice and evangelism in Assam.
Where Ya From?Episode 63|56min
‘Finding Healing in Brokenness’ with Toni Collier
God’s love can transform messes into masterpieces.
Being HumanEpisode 5|44min
The Journey into Emotional Health
Steve welcomes his wife, therapist Lisa Cuss, for a discussion on trauma, grief, and healing.
The Dangers of a Psychedelic Gospel
Psychotropic drugs are often marketed as a gateway to spiritual encounters. But what are the risks to believers?
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 78|50min
Christine Caine Tells Me Where I’m Wrong on the Holy Spirit
The author, speaker, and nonprofit founder speaks to the supernatural.

Top Story June 14, 2024

Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

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