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The One Tool Every Church Planter Needs

Experts share how texting saves money and grows your church.

The One Tool Every Church Planter Needs

Experts share how texting saves money and grows your church.

Gloo is committed to investing in the future of the church. Check out their texting platform and other free resources today.

In the fast-paced world of church planting, communication is the key to building a thriving congregation. As pastors and church leaders, we need tools that are cost-effective and allow us to thoughtfully connect with our congregants.

Enter texting.

We sat down with Matt Murphy, vice president of mission support at Stadia Church Planting, to learn more about why texting is the most important tool for church planters.

1. Texting Is Fast.

As a church planter, time is of the essence. Texting provides an immediate and direct means of communication, boasting an impressive 98% open rate. Imagine if a service location changes or if you need last-minute volunteers at the church’s 5k fundraiser. Texting empowers pastors to instantly reach their congregants, ensuring they are informed and engaged in real-time.

2. Texting Is Engaging.

People crave community. Texting allows for one-on-one interactions between church leaders and congregants, creating a deeper sense of connection. You can provide individualized support, encouragement, and guidance, building stronger relationships and meeting the specific needs of your congregation– all through text.

3. Texting Closes the Feedback Loop.

Texting allows church planters to establish a direct line of communication with donors. By providing regular updates on the progress, lives changed, and impact made possible by their contributions, you foster a sense of transparency and gratitude. Murphy recommends something as simple as, “This past Sunday we baptized three people. Your investment is what allowed that to happen!” When donors know that their support is making a difference, they become more invested in the ministry.

4. Texting Expands Your Reach.

Texting is accessible for most of your congregants, young and old, who may not have access to email or social media. This platform also presents an opportunity for outreach and evangelism. By initiating conversations, sharing resources, and inviting individuals to church events, you can connect with those who may be hesitant to engage in face-to-face conversations.

5. Texting Is Cost Efficient.

At the end of the day, expenses matter. When you cut the cost of traditional mail by upgrading to a free texting service, you have more resources for other investments. This cost savings allows church planters to focus more on relationship-building rather than administrative tasks, delaying the expense of a clunky ChMS system.

Image: Image provided by Gloo

Gloo’s new texting platform, funded by kingdom-minded donors, is now available for you and your church staff. Sign up today and send texts tomorrow. If you're ready to experience the transformative benefits of texting, explore Gloo's free texting service now, and witness firsthand how texting can save money while helping your church grow faster.