Humanitarian Disaster Institute
A community of Wheaton College faculty, fellows, scholars, and students advance the Humanitarian Disaster Institutes mission and M.A. in Humanitarian & Disaster Leadership program through their teaching, research and writing.
5 Ways to Step into the Marathon of COVID-19 Response and Recovery
The responses of M.A. in Humanitarian and Disaster Leadership students offer a template for how we can all serve in this moment.
Considering When and How to Reopen Your Church
A panel of public health & ministry experts share their insights on navigating this next COVID-19 phase.
Spiritual First Aid: Church Leaders on What the Church Needs Now
Insights from the Spiritual First Aid Summit
Why COVID-19 Is the Time for Spiritual First Aid
Join NT Wright, Danielle Strickland, Efrem Smith, and others at the Spiritual First Aid Summit.
Spiritual First Aid: Resources for Responding to COVID-19 Mental Health Challenges
Introducing the first-ever biblically-based and research-based disaster spiritual and emotional care intervention, manual, and summit.