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Priesthood of All Professors? Court to Consider ‘Ministerial Exception’ for Gordon College
Decision could impact freedom of faculty, ability of evangelical institutions to hire and fire.
RZIM Confirms Ravi Zacharias’s Sexual Misconduct
Full report from outside investigation to be released in January.
The Majority of American Megachurches Are Now Multiracial
‘The most segregated hour of the week’ isn’t as segregated as it used to be, study finds.
Unearthing the Faithful Foundations of a Historic Black Church
In Colonial Williamsburg, a neglected Christian past is being restored.
Gleanings: January 2021
Died: Walter Hooper, Who Gave His Life to C.S. Lewis’s Legacy
He kept works in print, edited new collections, and spent a lifetime meditating on everything written by the beloved British author.
How to Fake a Fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls
And other things you wanted to ask an expert in forged biblical antiquities.
Gleanings: December 2020
Ghana Pentecostals Come to the Defense of Accused Witches
An old woman was killed when she refused to confess to causing irregular rain. Christians had to speak up.
Died: John Edmund Haggai, Evangelist Who Trained Evangelists
Southern Baptist pastor promoted a new strategy to spread the gospel globally.
First COGIC Bishop to Israel Meets Opposition from Counter-Missionaries
Glenn and Pauline Plummer say they are ambassadors, but some see a secret agenda to convert Jews.
Died: Harry R. Jackson Jr., Charismatic Bishop and Trump Adviser
Predicting a movement of black conservatives coming out of megachurches, he joined forces with the Religious Right to influence national politics.
On a Mail-In Ballot and a Prayer, Biden Wins White House
In a contentious election taking days to call, the Catholic candidate’s faith outreach paid off in swing states. Trump has pledged to challenge in court.
Christian Trump and Biden Voters Wait on the Lord ... and Ballot Counts
Without a clear victory, Americans keep praying for candidates and the country.
Trump Becomes the First President Since Eisenhower to Change Faiths in Office
Like many Christians switching churches, he now identifies as nondenominational
Died: Luci Swindoll, Who Believed in God’s Grace and Being Herself
Woman of Faith speaker celebrated life of singleness.
At Purple Churches, Pastors Struggle with Polarized Congregations
A challenging year threatens to divide Christians who have resisted the cultural trend.
Who Preaches on Politics? Most Pastors.
Study of 100,000 sermons shows gospel applied to economics, war, welfare, and other current issues.
Gleanings: November 2020
Died: Thomas Howard, Author Who Said ‘Evangelical Is Not Enough’
In spiritual memoirs, son of prominent Christian family wrote about finding the fullness of his childhood faith in the Catholic church.